I’ve told so many others how it will happen when it is supposed to happen. What I have come to realize this last week is that I don’t always allow myself to remember this. In the past I would start to work towards something and because it wasn’t happening in the time frame of what I thought it should be, I would talk myself out of doing whatever it was. I would tell myself things like, “Well, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be”, “If it was meant to be it wouldn’t be this hard”, etc.
Well, what I have come to find out more and more, especially while on this journey of creating a blog along with a few other things, is that it really will happen in Divine time. This is the point where patience and understanding comes into play. Push past the impatience, keep swimming, and do the hard work. If I sit back and reflect on my life, I can see that everything really does happen when it is supposed to.
I have also found that when I can do this, I allow myself to receive more than I was expecting and it turns out even better. It isn’t always easy though. We are human, and man; can that make things messy at times. As the frustration of new learning comes into play for me at this time, I have to remind myself of this more often than not. Also reminding myself that it isn’t going to happen overnight.
It is hard to see when you are in the thick of whatever it may be and keep hitting obstacle after obstacle. The more I leave myself open though, to the possibilities of it not going or looking the way I envisioned and in the time frame I thought it should be, I have found that it opens myself up to so much more. It is the consistency, the drive, the perseverance, and belief in yourself that you can push through and do all things and know that you are meant for better and to just keep going.
Sometimes, I think the expectations we set aren’t always realistic. I am not saying that we shouldn’t have high expectations, what I am saying however is that sometimes we need to be open to expectations changing or looking different than we thought. It is looking beyond the feeling we need to receive when those expectations aren’t met in the way we expected and being able to hold space and gratitude for what is and keep moving forward towards those expectations with grace, compassion, and patience. When you can be open like this, it gives you the opportunity to see what you may not have before.
Today I will choose not to give in to my past patterns and behaviors that would move me towards giving up on my goals and visions. I will however choose to honor what I have learned, be excited to know how much more I will learn, and remember most of all that I am worth the wait. Hopefully this helps you to keep moving and pushing through whatever it may be that you vision and desire and to bring it forth into reality.
Much Love & Light Always!