I never say never anymore because there are things in my life that I would have never thought would be and have been. Growing up in a city and then moving to an area that would be considered more country wasn’t something I saw happening but here I am and love it. Getting chickens and having 9 at some point was something I for sure wouldn’t have seen, but again, it happened. Cats have never bothered me, but there wasn’t any desire for me to have one and now we have our sweet Luna and I couldn’t imagine life without her.
If I wasn’t open to the few things mentioned above that I “never” would have thought or done, then I wouldn’t have had the Joy those things have brought into my life. Like sitting in my yard with my chickens and watching their utter goofiness and the opportunity for fresh eggs daily. Going out in the morning and listening to the birds and nature with my coffee and just being in that moment. I wouldn’t have the Joy that fills my heart when I get morning snuggle time with my Sweet Luna.
There are so many things out there in life that we can close ourselves off to that have the potential to bring such Joy into our lives. We close ourselves off without realizing it by saying the words, “I would/could never…..” Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we place such limited beliefs on things, people, experiences, and opportunities that could enhance our lives by saying the word never?
Some of my greatest Joy has been brought out by the very things I have used the word “never” with. This has recently been something that I was discussing with a friend and it has really made me step back and reflect. So much Joy that would have been missed by staying stuck in the “never” mentality. Part of that mentality comes from fear and is something we all experience. The more I find myself stepping into those fears though, the more Joy and Happiness I seem to have.
I think I sometimes forget how much fear plays a role in our lives and how much it prevents us from living the life we see within ourselves. It makes me ask the question to myself if the word “never” is used because of fear and out of protection from possible judgements? This is something I have had to analyze within and will continue to push passed and through so that I may receive and experience all of the Joy this life has to bring.
Today I will be mindful of the word “never” and be reminded of all the Joy that has come when pushing through the “never”.
Much Love & Light Always!